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Answering the Call: How to Move Through Life’s Changes with Mark Groves

September 14 @ 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm

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Join Mark Groves for an inspiring and transformative event designed to help you accept and move through the changes life is inviting you towards.

Life often nudges us toward growth and change, but the journey can be daunting. This event is designed to help you recognize the invitations life is offering, and how to courageously move forward and do what is being asked of you, so you step into your greatest potential in both love and life.

You will learn how to embrace life’s transitions, whether in the form of career shifts, relationship changes, or personal growth challenges. What initiations are you delaying entering or exiting? Where are you gripping to the past out of fear?

It’s time to stop resisting who you’re becoming and what life is asking of you. It’s time to create the abundance you seek, give birth to your purpose and passion, and surrender to this being the moment that everything changes.

Drawing from his expertise in relationships, self-discovery and personal liberation, Mark will provide insights and tools to help you embrace these changes with confidence, align your inner and outer worlds and find peace and integrity.

This event is an opportunity to connect with others on a similar path, share your experiences, and gain the clarity and support you need to move through life’s transitions with grace. Whether you’re facing a significant life change or simply feel a shift on the horizon, this event will empower you to step into the next chapter of your life with purpose and passion.

Austin, TX | Sapien Center

2316 Morelos Street
Austin, TX 78702 United States

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