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Lori Schwanbeck: Cultivating Purpose

January 20 @ 8:00 am - January 25 @ 5:00 pm

“Who do I want to be when I grow up?” is one of the most  important questions you can ask – especially when you’re in your 40s… 50s… 60s… and up.

That’s because midlife is a time when many of the things that have given your life purpose and meaning for decades start to unravel. When all of the things that have defined your identity for so long disappear, what’s left? The answer, of course, is YOU.

Modern Elder Academy’s Cultivating Purpose workshops gives you the tools and support you need to reimagine what living a meaningful life looks like for YOU, and to find the confidence and inspiration you need to make that vision a reality.

In five days, you’ll discover how to:

  • Discover what “living your purpose” really means (spoiler: it’s not chasing after some moonshot goal that defines your entire life).
  • Uncover who you are at your deepest level of identity and clarify what really matters most to you.
  • Rewrite old stories into positive narratives that inspire you to show up in the world as the person you want to be.
  • Connect with your inner guidance system and listen more carefully to what your heart is telling you to do.
  • Diversify your pathways to purpose and open yourself to boundless opportunities for joy and abundance.
  • Evolve from the pursuit of success to significance and reframe what it means to live a “well-lived life”.
  • Deepen your relationships and become a better human as you immerse yourself in a like-hearted community.
  • Define your legacy and uncover your pathway to personal fulfillment, whatever that looks like for you.

By the end of your five days with Lori, you’ll have a clear vision and inspired action plan, along with your purpose-driven future and the inspiration to make your vision a reality.

You’ll leave the workshop inspired and energized – and bursting with enthusiasm for what lies ahead!

Santa Fe, NM | Modern Elder Academy

Modern Elder Academy
Lamy, NM 87540 United States

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