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Getting the Love You Want: A Couples Retreat

August 2 @ 2:00 pm - August 4 @ 12:00 pm

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Join the tens of thousands of people who have experienced the work of Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt and take your relationship to the next level. In a program based on Harville and Helen’s best-selling book, Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples, experience the profound connection that heals childhood and relational wounds, activates undeveloped potential, and spurs spiritual growth.

Harville and Helen guide you and your partner toward deeper connection and joyful aliveness using Imago Relationship Therapy, their transformational approach that allows you to experience new levels of safety, empathy, and appreciation. Learn to develop the concepts and skills necessary to co-create a safe relationship, embrace conflict as an opportunity for growth, and experience a deep level of connecting.

Through both live workshop sessions and self-guided practice sessions, you and your partner will learn how to:

  • Develop effective new communication skills using the Imago Dialogue.
  • Resolve longstanding frustrations with compassion and ease.
  • Establish and maintain safety in your relationship.
  • Recreate the passion, attraction, and intimacy that first brought you together.
  • Discover a path to emotional healing and spiritual evolution through your relationship.
  • Experience a deep level of empathy and connection with your partner.

Stockbridge, MA | Kripalu

57 Interlaken Road
Stockbridge, MA 01262 United States

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