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Being Who You Are

August 28 @ 7:00 pm - September 1 @ 1:30 pm

This experience has passed.

Discover the possibility to be free of your false identity; who you think you are and who you think you should be. When all stories fall away, what’s left is pure Being, expressing itself as Love. Then, to live in this world of great insecurity, without effort, you naturally show up as love, light, clarity, and wisdom.

In this retreat, you will inquire into the nature of thought, emotions, behavior, and identification to your body and your stories. Supported by Jared and the community to see through the veils of illusion, to freshly discover what is real.

Jared is a teacher, mentor and therapist from Australia. A director of the Leela School of Awakening, he devotes his life to the inherent peace and love that is our true nature, and offering support to all those ready to meet themselves freshly and honestly.

Berlin, Germany | Berliner Schule für Zen Shiatsu

Wittelsbacherstraße 16
Berlin, 10707 Germany

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