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Overcoming Trauma & Reclaiming Self-Love

August 18 @ 4:00 pm - August 23 @ 1:00 pm

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Heal old wounds, break free from the past, and reconnect to your source of joy and self-love with Brett Cotter, founder of the Stress Is Gone Method.

During this 5-day intensive, you:

  • Identify the hidden source of your emotional stress.
  • Release layers of anxiety and trauma from your body on a cellular level.
  • Reconnect with your essence and source of self-love.
  • Acquire techniques, tools, and aftercare for lasting relief.

The Stress Is Gone Method is an intuitive healing process designed to help you overcome emotional pain, process trauma, reclaim joy and self-love, and feel at peace in your own skin again.

Immerse yourself in a holistic healing experience that includes intuitive group and individual release work, inner-child empowerment, music, movement, and meditation.

During the sessions, Brett will ask questions to quickly surface the source of your stress. Once the original memory is brought to light, he will gently guide you through affirmations that reopen your heart, releasing tension throughout your body and bringing peace to the past. As you feel the old layers of tension release, you clear the inner blocks to happiness. Often, after addressing your stress at the source, you feel restored, empowered, and reconnected. Most leave feeling ready to reengage in life with confidence and clarity.

Rhinebeck, NY

150 Lake Drive
Rhinebeck, NY 12572 United States

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