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Yoga Nidra Retreat: Rest, Restore, Remember Yourself

August 18 @ 4:00 pm - August 23 @ 1:00 pm

This experience has passed.

After the many challenges of this past year, come experience five days of deep restoration, relaxation, and reflection.

Using the practice of yoga nidra guided meditation, we begin to restore our bodies, clear our minds, and shift the habitual patterns that keep us from being calm, clear, and balanced.

Yoga nidra uses the biological process of sleep to systematically release stored physical, emotional, and mental tensions. Through this restorative process, we can begin to release unconscious programming that keeps us locked in the past. All we have to do is show up, lie down, and let go.

This week, we move our bodies before we take a resting position in yoga nidra, where we clear our minds, allow our emotions to be experienced, and create intentions to live from a new perspective.

You’ll bring a renewed sense of being back to your daily life.

Rhinebeck, NY

150 Lake Drive
Rhinebeck, NY 12572 United States

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