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Empowerment Essentials Retreat: Building Self-Trust

September 13 @ 5:00 pm - September 15 @ 7:00 pm

This experience has passed.

Shira Miller, a two-time TEDx speaker and Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, returns to Canyon Ranch to share simple, proven steps to conquer self-doubt and build lasting strategies for self-trust and confidence.

In these interactive sessions at Canyon Ranch’s scenic Arizona property, you’ll learn how to stop apologizing unnecessarily, create healthy boundaries, and leverage the power of optimism and gratitude. Discover the origin story and warning signs of your self-doubt, and what to do about it with insights on how to deal with your inner saboteur, eradicate imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs, gain resilience, and leave your comfort zone. Shira will provide you with immediate tools and actionable steps to prioritize self-care, minimize self-doubt, and build greater confidence.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain the skills you need to achieve greater fulfillment and empowerment in your life.

Tucson, AZ | Canyon Ranch

8600 E Rockcliff Rd
Tucson, AZ 85750 United States

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