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A Boundless Heart: Staying Balanced & Connected in Turbulent Times

September 20 @ 4:00 pm - September 22 @ 1:00 pm

This experience has passed.

In a world that can feel increasingly challenging, we’re called to find the depth and balance needed to stay connected to ourselves, to others, and the world altogether.

Along the way, we discover that calling is shared by all, and our own well-being and life are intimately connected with the lives and well-being of everyone. For centuries, this insight has been explored and enriched through the embodiment of the “boundless attitudes”, of loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity.

Join spiritual teacher Cortland Dahl in this weekend of teachings, discussions, and meditations. By tapping into our boundless hearts, we discover our own happiness, our resilience, and find richness and meaning in our connection to the world around us.

This program is open to anyone interested in transforming their heart and mind, experienced meditators, and those who are just starting out.

Rhinebeck, NY

150 Lake Drive
Rhinebeck, NY 12572 United States

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