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Calm Your Nervous System: Soothe, Stabilize & Restore Your Inner Core

August 11 @ 4:00 pm - August 16 @ 1:00 pm

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Is your soul calling for a sacred time-out? As we face various challenges in the world, it’s important that we apply subtle yet potent self-renewal practices to consistently replenish our systems.

Join Priti Robyn Ross, who has inspired and shown thousands of students how to implement easy, fun, and innovative strategies to refresh their whole being and counteract the chronic effects of stress. Symptoms left unchecked can adversely affect our moods, sleep cycles, cardiovascular, digestive, and immune systems. Now is the time to soothe, stabilize, and begin to restore your inner core.

Spend a restorative week exploring nurturing activities that ease your stress, reclaim inner balance, and awaken your spirit. Expand your personal toolbox informed by science and ancient contemplative practices.

In this workshop, you:

  • Experience deep therapeutic relaxation, meditative breathing practices, creative journaling, and lively, interactive discussions
  • Discover what blocks you from consistent self-care and resilience
  • Gain an overview of the physiology of stress so you can recognize imbalances and respond with your unique soothing practices
  • Reframe discouraging beliefs and open your heart to authentic loving kindness toward yourself

Put the solution back in your hands and embrace your birthright to be relaxed and centered without changing anything in the external world. Allow Priti’s compassionate, wise heart to inspire you to ignite lifestyle choices that cultivate resilience, vitality, and joy.

Rhinebeck, NY

150 Lake Drive
Rhinebeck, NY 12572 United States

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