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David Robson: Mindset & Relationships

October 15 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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Could our expectations and connections be far more important than we realize?

Our underlying beliefs profoundly influence the ways we interact with the world and yet we are often completely unaware of their power. At this event, science writer David Robson will share ground-breaking research on how our mindset shapes every aspect of our lives, revealing how your brain holds the keys to unlocking a better you.

For example, did you know that taking a placebo can improve your health, even when you know it’s a placebo? Or that your attitude to ageing can influence how long you live?

David will also explain how our social connections are essential for our health and how our misguided intuitions can undermine our relationships. He’ll share some psychological barriers that lead us to keep others at a distance and offer strategies to help you feel more connected to others.

We can’t just think ourselves happier. But we can reframe many different facets of our lives, and in doing so, make real changes to our behavior and interactions. These insights will help you take practical steps towards becoming the person you really want to be.


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