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From Midlife Crisis to Midlife Awakening: How To Pivot Toward Your Purpose

August 23 @ 2:00 pm - August 25 @ 1:30 pm

This experience has passed.

Our culture’s jaded reaction to the midlife crisis is not only unhelpful, it’s misguided. For women and many men these days, a midlife disruption isn’t about recovering lost youth. It’s about discovering their greatness.

Join personal and executive coach, Keren Eldad, for a program that helps those in midlife to reframe their experience from one of strife and unwanted change to one of voluntary and eager expansion. You will:

  • Identify the gaps between where you are and where you want to go.
  • Shift your beliefs about what you are going through.
  • Put into motion a plan to live your purpose.
  • Feel inspired, invigorated, and excited about the future.
  • Make your second act the best one yet.

Return home with a clearer sense of your purpose and imbued with feelings of curiosity, discovery, and eagerness.

Stockbridge, MA | Kripalu

57 Interlaken Road
Stockbridge, MA 01262 United States

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