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Immersion with Tina Powers

August 16 @ 7:00 am - August 18 @ 7:00 pm

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Unlock the power of your intuition and awaken your innate psychic abilities during this mystical 3-day adventure guided by renowned Intuitive & Medium Tina Powers.

Tina will share a wealth of tools and wisdom to help you awaken your innate gifts. Discover the profound impact of trusting your intuition with confidence.

Topics include managing energy blocks, developing your innate intuition and psychic abilities, understanding four Clairs of Intuition and how to tap into each, understanding and exploring soul contracts, tapping into messages from the other side, understanding karmic patterns and exploring past lives, and decoding animal symbolism.

During this empowering immersion, you’ll unlock the doors to a world of intuition, personal growth, and boundless joy. Let Tina Powers help you trust your instincts and embrace the transformative power that awaits you.

Tucson, AZ | Miraval

5000 East Via Estancia
Tucson, AZ 85739 United States

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