Join Spark Your Health for a thoughtful and filled-with-tips discussion with internationally recognized relationship expert, Dr. Alexandra Solomon, focused on Relational Self-Awareness, the daily practice of love, the power of self-compassion and much more.
Whether you are single, in between relationships, or in a relationship, this conversation will invite you to develop an awareness of how you tap into your authentic self, how this awareness impacts your relationships, and even how to heal.
Creating and engaging in meaningful relationships is a key indicator for ones’ level of joy and overall mental health in life. This conversation promises to delve into how to maintain ones’ own sense of self while growing the capacity to love others, how to view relationship conflicts as a growth opportunity, and how to improve upon your communication skills in relationships of all kinds. Join Dr. Solomon for this powerful discussion on loving oneself, others, and how to embrace love every day in our lives, which inevitably supports our overall well-being.