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Love & Mindfulness in Daily Life: A Metta Retreat

September 8 @ 4:00 pm - September 13 @ 1:00 pm

This experience has passed.

This is a rare opportunity to practice metta, loving-kindness, and mindfulness meditation for inner and outer peace, happiness, and good health, under the guidance of the Buddhist spiritual leader, Ven. Dr. Omalpe Sobhita Thero, whom many consider a realized monk living in practice.

Combining lecture, question-and-answer sessions, guided meditation with periods of silence, and mindfulness in daily life, this 5-day retreat helps establish a sense of compassionate, empathetic, day-to-day awareness that gives a foundation for enlightened leadership and activism.

A special guide for time together is the famed Satipatthana Sutra, often translated as “The Foundation of Mindfulness.”

Rhinebeck, NY

150 Lake Drive
Rhinebeck, NY 12572 United States

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