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Navigating Life Transitions with Resilience: Create Your Next Chapter With Purpose & Clarity

September 20 @ 4:00 pm - September 22 @ 1:00 pm

This experience has passed.

Life’s inevitable upheavals—illness, divorce, loss, addiction, depression, or any kind of trauma or difficult transition—can leave us feeling fragile, uncertain, and overwhelmed. Find your way to what’s next by tapping into your intuitive wisdom and resilience with Hollye Jacobs as your guide.

Hollye Jacobs is an experienced public speaker, teacher, resilience coach, and best-selling author. In this weekend workshop packed with lecture, discussion, walking meditations, guided activities, and fun, she guides you from “now what” to “know what.”

Learn to open your mind, heart, and soul to new possibilities in experiencing the world around and within you. Leave with information and inspiration to recognize and embrace experiences in personal and professional daily life as lessons.

This workshop is designed for anyone who has undergone transition or is feeling overwhelmed, adrift, or stuck and is seeking guidance in figuring out life’s next steps and how to accomplish them.

Rhinebeck, NY

150 Lake Drive
Rhinebeck, NY 12572 United States

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