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The Art and Science of Appreciative Living in a Difficult World

August 18 @ 2:00 pm - August 20 @ 1:30 pm

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Do you seek the opportunity to expand in your work or your personal life, a more easeful flow, or a chance to cultivate greater purpose and meaning in your life? The science and practice of appreciative living helps you to channel an inner vibrancy to produce a greater sense of strength, optimism, efficacy, and energy.

Join positive psychologist and resilience expert, Maria Sirois, as she guides you through practices—based on decades of impactful research in the fields of Appreciative Inquiry and Positive Psychology—to help you overcome obstacles and move toward the fulfillment of your goals and visions.

Through mindfulness, journaling, group conversation, and playful exercises, you will:

  • Build a daily grounded optimism.
  • Learn how to navigate hard moments with greater ease.
  • Let go of mindsets that derail health and success.
  • Discover how an appreciative lens contributes to happiness, meaning, and resilience.

This exploratory program provides an antidote for anyone who feels weary, bored, worried or unsettled in their lives. Become empowered to see the world anew, move in the direction of vitality, health, and hope.

Stockbridge, MA | Kripalu

57 Interlaken Road
Stockbridge, MA 01262 United States

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