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The Power of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

September 13 @ 5:00 pm - September 15 @ 12:00 pm

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Learn how mindfulness and self-compassion can change everything about how you feel, how you relate and how you live ― for good.

In this workshop, Shauna Shapiro ― a leading scientist studying the effects of mindfulness and compassion on well-being ― shows us that acting with compassion toward ourselves is the key. She explains basic brain science and offers powerful science-based practices to alleviate anxiety, boost creative thinking and deepen our sense of belonging and purpose. With practice, you can literally rewire your brain for greater feelings of calm, clarity, connection and joy.  You will immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Esalen, allowing the sounds of the ocean, the magnificent views  and delights of the gardens to nourish and support you.

Big Sur, CA

55000 CA-1
Big Sur, CA 93920 United States

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